國際諮詢委員 | 最高學歷與現職 |
羅仁權教授 |
現任:國立台灣大學電機工程學系何宜慈講座教授暨終身特聘教授、國立台灣大學智慧機器人及自動化國際研究中心主任、臺灣研發管理經理人協會理事長、台灣機器人學會榮譽理事長。 經歷: IEEE國際工業電子學會總裁、IEEE/ASME國際機電整合期刊總主編(Editor-in-Chief)、IEEE國際工業電子工程師學會首席執行副總裁、IEEE國際機器人及自動化學會執行委員會及科技委員會主席、國立中正大學校長(2001-2007)、國立中山大學榮譽講座教授、美國北卡州立大學系統智慧型機器人研究中心主任、擔任加拿大滑鐵盧大學聘請之國外博士論文考官、擔任香港理工大學國聘請之國外博士論文考官。 |
張真誠教授 |
現任:逢甲大學何宜武先生學術講座教授、中正大學 資訊工程學系榮譽教授、清華大學資訊工程學系合聘教授。 經歷:朝陽科技大學資訊系榮譽特聘教授、國立東華大學資工系榮譽教授、國立中興大學資訊安全講座教授、國立中正大學榮譽教授。
吳宗成教授 |
現任:中華民國資訊安全學會理事長、台灣科技大學資訊管理系特聘教授。 經歷:台灣科技大學管理學院院長、台灣科技大學資通安全研究與教學中心主任、行政院研考會電子化政府推動小組委員、教育部顧問室顧問、內政部資訊顧問。 |
梁定澎教授 |
現任:國立中山大學終身榮譽國家講座教授、國立中山大學電子商務研究中心主任、國立政治大學 講座教授(跨校合聘) 經歷: 2008-目前,教育部終身榮譽國家講座教授 2011-2015,國立政治大學講座教授暨服務創新尖頂研究中心主任 2009-2011,香港城市大學客座教授 2006-2009,國立中山大學管理學院院長 2003-2006,國立中山大學教育部國家講座教授兼電子商務研究中心主任 2002-2006,香港中文大學決策科學與管理經濟系客座教授 1999-目前,國立中山大學電子商務中心主任 1999-2002,國立中山大學教務長;2002代理副校長 |
俞明德教授 |
現任:中國科技大學校長 經歷:靜宜大學校長、交通大學管理學院院長、元智大學管理學院院長、中央大學財務金融系系主任暨所長、美國 Drexel 大學財務金融系客座教授、交通大學講座教授、台灣大學特聘教授。 |
周建宏執行長 |
現任:資誠聯合會計師事務所執行長 經歷:資誠聯合會計師事務所全球資本市場部主持會計師、資誠聯合會計師事務所財務報導諮詢顧問服務部主持會計師、資誠聯合會計師事務所金融產業服務部合夥會計師、資誠資本市場暨會計諮詢服務組執業會計師、資誠審計服務部營運長、執行長。 |
Prof. Guy Gable |
Title: Professor of Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. Experience: Senior Editor, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Senior Editor, Pacific Asia Journal of the AIS, Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly, Editorial Board, Journal of the AIS. |
Prof. Ron Weber |
Title: Emeritus Professor of Monash University, and Part-Time Professor of The University of Queensland. Experience: Ron is a past president of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand and the international Association for Information Systems. From 2002-2004, Ron was Editor-in-Chief of the MIS Quarterly |
Prof. Toshifumi Takada |
Title: Professor of Auditing, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University. Experience: (1) 1983 Lecturer, Fukushima University |
Prof. David C. Yen |
Title: Professor of Management Information Systems, SUNY College at Oneonta Experience: Professor, Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Raymond E. Glos Professor, Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Chair, Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Associate Professor, Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Assistant Chair for MIS, Miami University, Assistant Professor, Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Graduate Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. |
Prof. Patrick Y.K. Chau |
Title: Director of the School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong. Experience: An Advisor to the e-Business Specialist Group Vice-President for Professional Development, the Chairperson of the Certification Board of the Hong Kong Institute for IT Professional Certification, chaired the program committee of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference. |
Prof. Yew Soon Ong |
Title: Yew-Soon Ong is Professor and Chair of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Experience: He is founding Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, founding Technical Editor-In-Chief of Memetic Computing Journal (Springer), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network & Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, International Journal of Systems Science, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine(2010 - 2016). |
Prof. Wayne Huang |
Title: Professor and Dean of the School of Information Systems and Information Management at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Experience: Tenured professor in Department of Management Information Systems of College of Business at Ohio University. He was a visiting scholar in University of Georgia, USA, and a faculty member in University of New South Wales, Australia and Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is on the Editorial Boards of Information & Management (I&M), International Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, and Journal of Data Management (JDM). |
Prof. Kwok Kee Wei |
Title: Professor and Dean of the School of Information Systems and Analytics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Experience: Dean, University's College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Head, Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Senior Editor, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Senior Editor, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Member, Editorial Board, Information Systems Journal, Editor Advisor, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. |
Prof. Petr Nickitovich Brusov |
Title: Professor at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow) Experience: Head of laboratory, Rostov State University Visiting Professor of Northwestern University (USA), Cornell University (USA), Osaka City University (Japan) Head of a few grants of RFFI, Ministry of Education etc. |